Tuesday, January 8, 2013

beautiful new aprons

Last week, my girls received the most beautiful aprons in the mail from a dear kind friend.

In fact, I've never even met this friend in person, however she's been a real inspiration to me. She is a marvellous photographer and just last summer I took part in one of her online photography classes. Her blog is The Long Road to China - be sure to check it out, her photography inspires me, all.the.time. This girl, Lisa, is a cancer survivor, mother to three, full-time employee, talented photographer, owner of 2 Hip Chicks store (where these aprons came from!) ...well, I think you get the gist! She's amazing! But, on top of all that, she also devotes a lot of her time and talents to raising money for the little orphans left behind in China.

Lisa has a heart of gold, doing all that she does and also for sending my girls these gorgeous aprons. Thank you so much, sweet friend.

beautiful aprons (from Lisa) beautiful aprons (from Lisa) beautiful aprons (from Lisa) beautiful aprons (from Lisa)


  1. I love how they each apron match the dresses your sister sent. Phebe is so sweet and I love how she knows now to smile for the camera!

  2. Gorgeous! And how wonderful Lisa sounds. I too love her photography.
